Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January 2010

Lily got her tonsils out this month and it has been crazy! The poor little girl is still recovering, but seems to be getting better. Hopefully she will get better and the ear infections and swollen lymoh nodes will stop!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our Dear Friend and Family Member

Our dog, Shadow, died today. He had congestive heart failure and it finally got the best of him. He was a wonderful family dog and we always knew no one was getting into our house with him home! Although, he only weighed 6 pounds! I've never had to put a dog down and it was just horrible!! I really hope there is a doggy heaven, he belongs there. RIP Shadow December 28th, 2010. He will be greatly missed.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lily's 2nd Birthday

This was one fun day! The kids played in the yard and we had a birthday! Lily got so much stuff, we are still going through it!!! Jayden is her favorite!
Lily was having the worst day, but she managed to give our wonderful photographer a few great smiles!